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English Question Bank
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If you got somewhere safe and sound, you got there
  1. because it was easy to get there
  2. even though you got hurt on the way
  3. even though there was some danger on the way

Q2. Find the synonym of the following words written in capitals. ***** The achievements of science and technology of recent years have influenced the CAREERS of many people.

  1. marketing
  2. trading
  3. professions
  4. hands
  5. works
Correct Answer

Q3. Find the synonym of the following words written in capitals. ***** -Who’s that man you spoke to just now? -I don’t know, he is completely UNFAMILIAR to me.

  1. foreign
  2. strange
  3. unknown
  4. new
  5. for
Correct Answer

Q4. If I had listened to the weather forecast ______.

  1. I would stay at home
  2. I’d know it was windy
  3. I wouldn’t have watered the flowers
  4. we were going to play football
Correct Answer

Q5. The thought of spending a night in the so-called ‘haunted’ house alone made him ____ with fear.

  1. burp
  2. shudder
  3. swallow
  4. blink
Correct Answer

Q6. We drove to Paris, and after getting out of London it was plain sailing all the way because

  1. there was hardly any traffic
  2. it rained so much it was flooding
  3. we had a strong westerly tailwind
Correct Answer

Q7. We decided to call it a day because

  1. we had so much to do
  2. we were short of time
  3. it was getting late
Correct Answer

Q8. Time goes ______ quickly, my dear.

  1. by
  2. for
  3. in
Correct Answer

Q9. When I got home, ______.

  1. my sister opens the door for me
  2. I will have a good rest
  3. my mother was setting the table
  4. my father hasn’t come back home
Correct Answer

Q10. The Prime Minister clearly suspects his party to have little chance of winning the next election. The Prime Minister clearly suspects that his party _______ little chance of winning the next election.

  1. to have
  2. has
  3. would have
  4. had
Correct Answer

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